Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's been a while....

Hey everyone....
   So I know its been quiet a while since I've posted a blog but I've been unmotivated and a bit on the down/depressed side of things the past few weeks so I decided not to worry anyone in blogging because it would have been a sad and depressing read.
  So here I am feeling much more myself and not so upset at life. I was depressed because my friends left and Brock is gone... I also didn't get to go to Fraser island after all due to predicted weather, so unfortunately I didn't get to travel at all and I wasn't able to sit on the beach in Australia for my B-day but i did go out for a very fancy birthday dinner with my friends over looking the city of Brisbane while the moon rose instead... which was a very nice alternative. On the down side of that night I realized my camera is broken (the one I got for graduation!). I'm sorry to say but its difficult to take pictures now so I wont be posting anymore because of this problem.... :( 
   The Redeemer program is up and running and it was a hard first week working with Aussie kids so I'm pretty exhausted and my Crohn's has been acting up because of the stress (Mom if your reading this I'm fine I promise). It was just an unexpected turn I've had to relax on the food that I've been eating and I'm cutting out the sugar because we eat a lot of it here on program. My kids are starting to come around and are enjoying the program we just got off expedition one and it rained the whole night and all the kids tents were soaked through... so they were pretty unhappy... me on the other hand being an outdoor professional was warm and dry inside my cozy tent :) haha... the kids were fine too. oh by the way the first time i have experienced so much rain here since I've arrived in sunny Queensland it has been non-stop rain since the 19th!!! so running an "outdoor" program its hard to play outside a lot because of all this rain... we're all pretty fed up with it! I want the sun back. Life is pretty good here in the down under and I can't wait to come home to my wonderful family I'm incredibly homesick, its been a while since I've felt that way... but I'm ok. I have 3 1/2 weeks left until I'm home and get to see them and my amazing boyfriend! I might be getting to go to one more site see before I leave this wonderful place its called 1770 its the southern most tip of the great barrier reef. Brock got to go, and now I'm really jealous and want to go too so I might be going with some new friends (staff) from redeemer. We would go for only 2 days and then i have to leave the country but at maybe I'll get to leave this place seeing a wonder of the world! I can't wait!!! alright well I better go, hope you are all doing well. thanks for the prayers and please continue praying, this is a christian school that is here this month, so God will be moving... so please be praying! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

End of the Program.

Hello all,
    So the Hong Kong program is over and its so sad for so many reasons. But to fill you in on what all has happened the last part of the program, we went on our third expedition. It was amazing to see the kids really begin to grow and they had an amazing time out there I learned a lot as well. Yesterday they all left and several tears we're shed unfortunately. So the program is over and I have a week to travel but before travels begin once again I have to say goodbye to Brock, Casey, and Austin as they return back to the states tomorrow morning 8-12-2011 :( I will miss Brock terribly. I'm going to Fraser Island on the 14th and will be sitting on an island in Australia for my 24th birthday! whoo hoo! I will start the second program Redeemer on the 21st of August and I'm so excited to get back to the basics with the kids. so anyways, all is well way over here thanks for the prayers and miss the family lots- love you guys! until next time you stay classy America.