Monday, June 20, 2011

Quick experience update

Hey Everyone! We're officially in Australia! Our hostel is amazing! we have horrible jet lag and are exhausted but hopefully tomorrow we'll get out around Brisbane and have a good city experience. I have a nice long story about getting through the international airport and customs.... lets just say a deprivation of sleep and potentially lost luggage and then them search my bag for tent stakes was not a good combination for the emotional side of myself. haha its funny now but wow I was so upset I never want to travel alone and I was SOOO happy to see brock by the baggage claim in Brisbane! but all is well here in the down under and I miss you Fam! love you all lots maybe I'll have time to write more tomorrow.  xoxo!


  1. We are SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're there safe and sound!


  2. Glad you made it Turtle......have fun and write

  3. Love u and miss u already, can't wait to hear your story!
